Learn how to properly install Burco Redi-Mirrors
Choosing The Right Mirror Replacement
Installation Methods
Redi-Mirror Replacement Install Methods
(Glass Only)
A: Fit Over (Adhere new Redi-Mirror Replacement on to existing broken mirror)
B: Drop Fit (Remove all existing pieces of broken mirror, and adhere new Redi-Mirror Replacement glass to existing backing plate)
AB: Fit Over or Drop Fit (Reference preferred method)
C: Heated (Remove all existing pieces of broken mirror and disconnect heating wires from old heating element, then adhere new Redi-Mirror Replacement to existing backing plate, and reconnect heating wires to new terminal leads)
D: Gasket Fit (Remove all existing pieces of broken mirror from existing mirror head and gasket, then install new Redi-Mirror Replacement around the gasket)
Redi-Mirror + Backing Plate Install Methods
(Glass and Backing Plate Connector)
Exisiting backing plate removal methods
1: Snap-Tab (Manually pivot mirror downward and pry off backing plate snap tabs by inserting screwdriver above mirror and behind existing backing plate)
2: Slide-Tab (Insert screwdriver below existing mirror and slide tab locks off of tab lock guides by lifting/prying upwards)
3: Upper Hook Lock (Manually pivot mirror and backing plate upward, insert screwdriver below mirror and backing plate, and carefully pry lower snap locks off of snap lock guides. Pull down/out to release upper hook locks from hook lock guides)
4: Lower Hook Lock (Manually pivot mirror and backing plate downward, insert screwdriver above mirror and backing plate, and carefully pry upper snap locks off of snap lock guides. Pull up/out to release lower hook locks from hook lock guides)
5: Ball Pivot (Manually pivot mirror applying pressure to lower and side portions of existing mirror, insert screwdriver behind packing plate and pry off all pivots from sockets carefully without damaging pins)